Writing Rules


Altay Strategic Research Journal is published twice a year (June and December). Article acceptance for the issue is closed 15 days before each issue.

Altay Strategic Research Journal is a national peer-reviewed publication.

Manuscripts that are deemed by the editorial board to be original, copyrighted or in violation of various ethical principles are not subject to the peer review process and are returned to the author.

Original articles submitted for publication in Altay Strategic Research Journal are examined by the Editorial Board in terms of the scope of the journal, plagiarism rate (maximum 12%) and writing rules. Articles deemed appropriate are sent to two referees who are experts in the field for evaluation. If a negative opinion comes from one of the referees, it is sent to the third referee. If a positive report is received from two referees during the process, it is placed in the publication queue.

All referee evaluation processes can be monitored by the author.

Articles sent to Altay Strategic Research Journal must not have been published anywhere before.

Articles published in the journal are open access and will remain so. No copyright fee is paid for the articles published in the journal, all rights of the articles belong to Altay Strategic Research Journal.

All responsibility for the content of the articles published in the journal belongs to the author.

Articles can be followed by authors via the Article Tracking System at www.altaystratejikarastirmalardergisi.com. In order for the arbitration process to continue in a healthy manner, it may vary between one and three months. All researchers and academicians who submit articles and promotional articles accept this period.

The publication language of the journal is mainly Turkish, but English publications can also be accepted provided that they comply with the publication principles.


1. While filling the article metadata on the article tracking system, the process continues (in Turkish and foreign languages; title, keywords, Turkish summary of at least 100 words and English summary of the article are written in full).

2. In studies (maximum 12%), the author is asked to upload a plagiarism report to the system; if plagiarism/ethical violation is detected by the referee during the process, the article process is canceled.

3. In order to prepare the article text according to the journal writing rules, the "Article Template" can be downloaded from the "Writing Rules" tab on the journal page. An article must be written on the downloaded template and uploaded to the system. Since spelling and formal integrity are among the evaluation criteria of journals accepted to national and international indexes, the authors are expected to comply with the spelling rules and descriptive information.

 4. During the article upload process, the Ethics Declaration Form and Copyright Notice must be signed and uploaded.


Title: Turkish title in bold and capital letters, 12 point font, centered; The English title should be just below the Turkish title, normal, with only the first letters capitalized, 11 points and centered. The title of the article should be a maximum of 12 words.

Author name: Author title, name and surname should be right aligned, bold 11 point font. The institution, faculty, ORCID ID and e-mail addresses of the authors should be given in the footnote with a * sign. During the referee process, this name is removed and the article is sent to the referees anonymously.

Abstract: After the title of the article, at least 100 Turkish and English abstracts and at least 5 words of Turkish and English keywords should be written in 11 font size. The abstract should be informative about the scope, purpose, method, effects and results of the study.

Page layout: Articles should be written in Microsoft Word program and the page structures should be arranged as follows:

Paper Size: A4 (21-29.7cm)

Margins: All margins 2.5 cm.

Font: Times New Roman

Font style: Normal

Size (normal text): 12

Size (footnote text): 10

Paragraph Spacing: 0 pt first, then 6 pt

Line Spacing: Single (1)

Section headings: All subheadings should have their first letters in capital letters and be bold. If numbering is preferred, the "Introduction" and "Conclusion" sections should not be numbered.

Tables and figures: The numbers and names of tables or figures should be immediately below the table or figure.


Direct quotes should be placed in quotation marks. Quotations less than 2.5 lines between lines; Quotations longer than 2.5 lines should be written in 10-point font, 1.5 cm from the right and left of the line, in blocks and with 1 line spacing.

At the end of the text, it should be arranged alphabetically according to the authors' surnames. The author of the source used should be shown with his/her surname first.

References within the text should be written in parentheses as follows:

(Boratav, 2011)

(Köprülü, 1950: 58)

(Sakaoğlu and Alptekin, 2014: 489)

In publications with more than two authors, only the first author's surname and 'et al.' should be written in the text:
(Tan et al. 1980: 26)

If the name of the cited author is given in the text, only the publication date of the source should be written:
Boratav (1969: 42), …

In works and manuscripts without a publication date, only the surnames of the authors, encyclopedias whose authors are not specified, etc. In works, the name of the work should be written.
If an author has more than one publication of the same date, the sources should be separated by letters such as a, b, c (2024a: 258), (2024b: 41) next to the date.



Köprülü, M. F. 1999. Literary Studies. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Printing House.

Sartre, J. P. 1967. What is Literature? Trans. Bertan Onaran. Istanbul: De Publishing House.

Scientific Journal Article

Şimşek, E. and İçel, H. 2020. “The Tireless Pen of Turkic Science: Prof. Dr. Ali Berat Alptekin (His Life and Works)”. National Folklore 16 (125): 5-30.

Encyclopedia Article/Article

Akün, Ö. F. 1989. “Âlî Mustafa Efendi”. pp. 416-17 in Turkish Religious Foundation Islamic Encyclopedia. C. 2. Ankara: TDV Publications.


Ak, M. 2012. “19. "Socio-Economic Situation of Teke Region Yoruks in the 21st Century". Doctoral Thesis, Akdeniz University Social Sciences Institute, Antalya.


Nadi, Y. “Decision taken in the Grand National Assembly” Cumhuriyet 23 April 1920. Cumhuriyet Newspaper 29 October 1923.

Oral Sources:

KK-1: Adem Bayındır, born in 1994, undergraduate, teacher, Eskişehir. (Interview: 25.12.2024).

Author's surname, Author's first name, to refer to a work available on the Internet. “Title of the message”. Internet address. It is sufficient to provide the (Access Date) information:
Central Bank of Türkiye Republic. ”Livings Index (Wage Earners)” Electronic Data Distribution System. http://evds.tcmb.gov.tr/ (Access Date: 04.02.2009).

Citations of articles that have not yet been published but have been accepted for publication can also be shown as follows:
Atılım, Murat and Ekin Tokat (2008). ”Forecasting Oil Price Movements with Crack Spread Futures”. Energy Economics. In press (doi:10.1016/ j.eneco.2008.07.008).