Purpose and Scope

Purpose and Scope

Altay Journal of Strategic Research (ALSAD) is a scientific and peer-reviewed national journal that aims to put different fields and views of the Turkish world through a critical process based on Social Sciences and to conduct intellectual and current academic studies in a qualified manner.

The purpose of the journal; To provide an open-access academic platform for researchers from all over the world to share and discuss studies in the fields of politics, economy, culture and sociology. Our journal covers all disciplines in the field of social sciences and humanities. It is aimed to produce new and original ideas in all studies that contribute to the literature through our journal. As a result of this purpose, a superior resource in terms of quality is created, where high-impact studies in the field of Social Sciences are produced and many national and international followers, academics and students benefit from open access.

Our journal, which encourages the critical perspectives of researchers, aims to contribute to the knowledge in the field by publishing high-quality studies of scientists from different schools after the double-blind peer-review processes are completed and to help them take their research to a higher level.

Our magazine, which started its publication life in 2024, is published as 2 (two) issues per year (June, December). Articles to be sent to our journal must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles sent to our journal for publication are evaluated in terms of their scientific competence by field editors after going through the secretarial processes. Afterwards, a blind referee process is applied. If the referee reports are positive, the study is published by the decision of the editorial board; If one of the referees gives a negative report, the article is sent to a third referee. In this case, it is decided whether the article will be published or not according to the evaluation result of the third referee. The study that has been decided to be published is placed in the publication queue. Each author must take into consideration the correction and development requests submitted by the journal board.

No royalties are paid to authors for works published in our journal.